Inspector de Hacienda del Estado
Socio Director de Equipo Económico
Manuel de Vicente-Tutor Rodríguez is a Lawyer and Founding Partner of Equipo Economico specializing in legal, regulatory and tax issues, in sectors such as
renewable energy and finance, in addition to corporate restructuring (M&A) and family offices, and leading pre-contentious procedures (inspection, collection) and litigation (financial-administrative claims, legal appeals).
Between 2004 and 2007 Manuel was Chief of Staff of the Director General at the Spanish Internal Revenue Agency (AEAT), and between 1999 and 2001 he became Deputy Director General of Planning and Programming at the same institution.
Manuel has been a Tax Inspector since 1994, and an Insurance and Pension Plans Inspector since 2002, although he is currently on voluntary leave of absence.
Manuel de Vicente-Tutor has worked as a consultant on Public Policies and Finances to the International Monetary Fund and Director of the University Master’s Degree on International Taxation and Tax Affairs organized by ICADE and the Master’s Degree on Corporate Taxation of Universidad Pontificia Comillas. His teaching experience includes Professor of Tax Law at ICADE University and at the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IEF), and Assistant Professor on various Masters’ Programs. He is also the author of numerous publications on tax matters.
He graduated with degrees in Law (with honors) and Business Administration and Economics from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (E-3).
Subsequently, he obtained his Diploma of Advanced Law Studies from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and completed an Advanced International Taxation Program at the Institute of Fiscal Studies.